5 Simple Reasons Why Smart Landscapers Should Blog in 2021

Meghan Hall
5 min readJan 22, 2021


Blogs are worth more than you may think

There is a lot more to blogs than meets the eye. They’re not just words thrown together to give your website some content. They’re not just written by bored teenagers and shut-ins. Blogs actually play a vital role in a successful online business. Many landscapers that I know rely on word-of-mouth marketing or direct marketing (trucks and equipment with logos and information). This isn’t necessarily a bad thing-it’s worked for a long time. Yet, there is an untapped market in the online space for strong landscaping websites.

Now more than ever, people turn to their computers for help. With blogging, your business can be the source of quality landscaping information and services online just as it is out in the real world. I know a lot of landscapers personally and I can safely say that most of them think that blogging is a silly idea. I’m here to explain why it’s actually a pretty smart move.

Blogs have a high value at a low cost.

If you’re looking to expand your customer base, you may be thinking about some paid ads. Let me stop you right there. Content marketing is a much better investment than paid advertising! Using a content marketing strategy produces 3 times the leads for 62% less than a paid ad service. That’s insane! But don’t get me wrong, paid advertisements are still effective. They’re even more effective when you have high-quality content to back them up, though.

If it’s in your budget, paid ads can be a great way to get attention. But after the last year, we don’t all have wads of money lining our pockets. Content marketing, like blogs and emails, is a cost-effective way for you to market your services to new and existing clients. The ideal option would be to combine both into a supercharged marketing strategy, but that’s not something most small landscapers can afford.

Blogs increase traffic to your website.

This is the most important thing that a blog can do for you. A business is nothing without its customers and landscaping is no different. If no one wants a new patio or some monthly maintenance, you’re out of the job! At the same time, if no one knows you provide these services, you could be on thin ice. Businesses with blogs get 7.8 times more traffic than those without blogs! How, you ask?

The biggest thing that blogs do is boost your website’s search engine ranking. One way this is done is by combining keywords with SEO strategies. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization-if you want to know more, take a moment to subscribe to the blog and get notified as soon as I post next week’s content! The secret to success with blogs is SEO, keywords, and engaging content. This is what makes readers want to come back for more.

Blogs make you stand out from your competitors.

From personal experience, out of the landscapers that have a website, few of them have a regularly updated blog. Landscaping is a hard, time-consuming job that keeps you away from computers most of the time. It’s not easy designing a creative landscape and then trying to come up with compelling blogs to go with it. But if you take that extra step of adding a blog, that could boost you right past the competition.

Having content like blogs on your website builds trust with customers. I’m willing to bet that you offer your customers little pieces of advice here and there while you’re doing a job. You can turn that into a blog that shows potential clients just how knowledgeable and helpful you are. This will set you apart from competitors that have a website with no blog.

Blogs just keep on working.

Unlike paid advertisements, the benefits of a blog don’t just stop because the campaign is over. With a one time fee, you get content that brings you results essentially forever. While Google likes recent content over years-old pages, having lots of blogs on your website builds authority. The majority of websites see the most growth after they reach the 20 article mark.

As long as you keep a blog published, it keeps working for you. The SEO never goes away. Those keywords never go away. And the best part? You can update old articles to give them a refreshed ranking on Google! That means you can recycle some of your content after a few years instead of constantly thinking of new ideas.

Blogs are versatile.

Once you write a blog, you can post it all over the place. You can send an alert to your email list. Post a link to your Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Then, you can add social sharing buttons on the blog itself. The potential blogs have for earning leads is a lot greater than most people think.

Blogs can also be used as beefed-up portfolios. Let me explain what I mean. Pretty much every landscaping website has a portfolio-I mean, you have to show off your skills. But have you thought about how you could use one of your jobs as a blog? Like a case study, you can use pictures from your own projects and write about what you did in a blog-especially if you’re doing something that’s of interest, like environmentally conscious planting, minimal watering, edible gardens, or innovative designs.

Want to know more about lead generation for websites with blogs?

Read more on content marketing.

Check out this full analysis on content marketing vs paid advertisements.

Originally published at https://www.echo-copy.com on January 22, 2021.



Meghan Hall

I am a freelance copywriter and small business owner that loves everything green.