6 Breathtaking Ways to Use Christmas Lights All Year Long

Meghan Hall
8 min readJan 8, 2021


I might not be a redneck woman, but that doesn’t mean my Christmas lights can’t stay up all year long.

Lighting up your home with different variations of string lights is an ever-growing trend. There’s just something magical about those twinkling dots of light. Is it because it reminds us of the stars? Or is it the connection those lights have with the holidays and spending time with family? Whatever it may be, there’s no denying the attractive qualities of strings of light.

So why do we only get to enjoy glittering lights one month out of the year? It’s not like it’s never dark for the rest of the year. In fact, the days in January seem to be the darkest. And in the summer? We have all the more reason to stay out after dark and enjoy our lights around a bonfire or barbecue dinner (with a couple of cold drinks, of course).

While all those Christmas lights go on clearance, now is prime time to get extra lights! Here is a 2-part list of creative ways you can use those lights inside and outside your home:

1. Icicle lights on the patio

This might not seem like a new, creative idea because you’ve been there, done that, right? Hell even I’ve got a string of outdoor lights I bought from Lowe’s out on my back porch. But that’s simple. Cookie-cutter. It’s 2021 and we need to turn the brightness in our lives wayyyy up after the year we’ve had.

This year, leave behind the typical “border” style of lighting that has popped up in backyards all across the world. Pick up a bunch of icicle lights in your preferred color. (Personally, I love warm white-it really sets the mood.) You should probably pick up some sturdy hanging hooks, too.

Now, drag that mountain of icicle lights out to your covered patio, gazebo, or pergola and start planning out where you want these lights to dangle. You must resist the temptation to go around the border! Imagine you’re creating a jungle of lights, spread across the ceiling like wild vines-bonus points if you’ve got a pergola with real vines, too!

After the sun sets, take a stroll out to your newly lit patio. Flip the switch and get ready to catch your jaw as it drops to the floor. Although those icicle bulbs are significantly smaller than the usual outdoor string light, covering the entire ceiling bathes your patio with light. Looking up feels like you’re standing among the stars, which-let’s be honest-is where you belong anyway.

2. Colorful lights among the flowers


This one is going to be a little harder to pull off than #1… but oh so worth it! If you’re a fantasy fan, like me, this clever use of colorful Christmas lights is sure to delight you.

I got the inspiration from seeing pictures (oh, how I wish I could go in person) of the Field of Lights installation in California. Now, pulling this off in your own backyard isn’t a very realistic expectation. But, by scaling this project down and replacing those flower-like fixtures with regular old Christmas lights, it’s totally do-able.

For this project, you’ll need colored Christmas lights. Any kind, size, and color will do really. You can go wild with assorted rainbow lights or stick to clusters of color with single color strands. The main idea here is to create a carpet of color. I’d say the best place for these lights to be attractive all-year-round would be nestled among bushes and flowers.

The real key to success, as with any lighting project, is to minimize the number of wires you can see in the daylight. Having leafy plants in your beds will certainly help with this. You can also tuck your wires under your rock or mulch bedding. The finished effect will have your yard looking like the fantastical forests of Pandora.

3. Twinkle lights in the trees

One of the most beautiful light shows I’ve ever seen happened on a summer night right after I graduated high school-wow, this sounds like the setup of a young adult romance novel, doesn’t it? I went camping with some friends in an open field surrounded by woods. As we sat around the fire, hundreds-if not thousands-of fireflies (or lightning bugs, if you’re southern like me) lit up the tree line. You would not believe your eyes! They danced back and forth, floated up and down, blinking the whole time. I haven’t seen such a spectacular display since.

This idea, though simple, is a tribute to those fireflies. There’s something magical about lights that twinkle. With some well-placed blinking lights leftover from Christmas, you can bring that magic right to your backyard. The best twinkle lights to get for this project are the ones that blink randomly or have multiple settings, rather than the entire strand blinking at once. I’d also recommend letting large sections of lights hang down from branches, to give the impression of flying fireflies.

Now your backyard is summer-fied all year long. The magic of humid, firefly filled nights is right outside your door waiting for you.

4. Curtains

Curtains take a house and make it a home if you ask me. As a late sleeper, I’m super fond of blackout curtains. But those aren’t the kind of curtains that I’m going to talk about in this first indoor Christmas lights idea. The inspiration for this one comes from, once again, the stars, shooting stars to be exact.

You’ll need some lightweight, sheer curtains to pull this look off to the fullest. Another option rather than covering a window is to hang curtains from your bedposts, walls, or ceiling. And of course, you’ll need some Christmas lights. Go with your heart’s desire here, but I like the warm glow of the classic white. I’d advise against using blinking lights indoors, though, considering how much time you’ll be spending around them. You’ll also want to make sure that the lights are behind the curtains rather than in front-those wires can be an eye-sore! Make sure your strings are as evenly spaced as you can get them if you’re going for the wall of stars look. If you want to feel like there are shooting stars flying through your room, draw back the curtains and lights in a bunch to concentrate the glow.

This project would be best put to use in a bedroom. It’ll give you a fairytale feel while you snuggle up in bed to read a book or browse your phone. Picking a soft color light, like warm white, also has the added benefit of being a low-light option to help you get ready to sleep.

5. Glow Desk

These days, tons of people find themselves working from home (myself included). And that means lots of time sitting at your desk. I know just how boring and draining it gets to sit in front of the computer for hours on end. I typically end up staring at the rainbow lights on my keyboard and tower. Then it hit me. Why not add more lights?

Now, there are LED strip lights on the market that a lot of people use for this type of lighting. But there’s no reason some good old Christmas lights wouldn’t work… You’ll just need some strong tape. Even though I usually recommend warm white lights, this is where I’d go with tons of color! This is the perfect opportunity to use some color psychology and pick a color that’s going to make you more productive. Or just pick your favorite! Once you’ve got everything picked out, just use tape to attach your string of lights up underneath your desk. Focus on the back and sides of the desk-you don’t want to hit your knees on lights all the time.

Something about lighting up a desk makes it feel like you’re working at some sort of sci-fi station on a spaceship. It feels futuristic and fun. And since there’s hardly any daylight in winter, this is sure to brighten your day.

6. Memory Wall

If you’ve seen the Disney Pixar movie Inside Out, you’ll understand what I mean when I say “core memories.” If you haven’t seen the movie, it’s still a cute idea! Until now, I’ve had my favorite pictures and memories just stuck to the wall or a corkboard but I think it’s time to change that. I brought up Inside Out because hanging pictures along a string of lights reminds me of the little glowing balls memories are stored in. And the “core memories,” the memories we hold closest to our hearts, are brilliant gold. It’s important to always remind ourselves of our memories and the things that have the most value in our lives. What better way to do that than with a shiny memory wall?

Your memory wall just needs 3 things: memories, some clips, and Christmas lights-oh, and a way to hang the lights, so, 4 things. I say you’ll need memories because you can hang anything on this wall, not just pictures. Postcards, maps, tickets, invitations, anything that reminds you of an important moment in your life. Hang up your Christmas lights first in whatever pattern you like (zig zag, parallel, droopy) and be sure they’re secure enough to hold the weight of the clips and your memories. The last step is to hang up those photos and other miscellaneous keepsakes. You can choose the order (or not) you put things in, but I’d go with chronological! It’s encouraging to see how things have changed over the years.

A memory wall like this one is fit for nearly any room in the house, as long as it’s somewhere that you get to see every day! Whenever you’re feeling down or just a little nostalgic, take a look at the bright memories you’ve made. And be sure to leave some room to add your future memories too!

Originally published at https://www.echo-copy.com on January 8, 2021.



Meghan Hall

I am a freelance copywriter and small business owner that loves everything green.