Is Your Landscape Website Lost? How Powerful SEO Can Save Your Business

Meghan Hall
4 min readJan 29, 2021


At this point, Google pretty much runs the online world. Sure there are other search engines out there, but let’s be real-anyone that knows what a browser is probably doesn’t use Bing anymore. So if you’re looking to gain some headway in the online space, you’re going to need to make your website more appealing to search engines. Otherwise, your business will be lost in the sea of Google search results that very few people ever see.

Why do I need to be on the top page of Google?

Being on the second or third page of Google results is good enough, right? WRONG. The top page of results is the sweet spot for online business. A staggering 75% of people don’t even bother to click past the first page. So if you’re not on that page, you’re missing out on a ton of potential business! What’s more, the first 3 results on the top page get about 60% of traffic from searches.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

How do I get my website to the top page?

Getting to the top page of results should be the goal of any business that has a website. You can do a lot of work on your site-cool graphics, good photos, a professional logo-but still be low-ranking in search results.

One option you have is to pay Google to put an ad for your landscaping service at the top of the page. But this can quickly get expensive and way beyond the budget of small business owners like you. If you want to get to the top (and get more paying customers) you’ll need to start using SEO.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the process of making your website fit into search algorithms. There are many different components that go into SEO. One of the most important is the use of keywords. Choosing the right keywords for your business is an integral part of optimizing your website. This is what drives your ideal customers right to your virtual doorstep.

How do I add SEO to my website?

Just having keywords in mind isn’t enough, you have to put them in all the right places on your website. Where are those special places? All over, really. Not only should your keywords be sprinkled throughout the text on your site, but they also need to be put into the code itself. This is beyond the scope of most landscapers and gardeners-beyond most people’s understanding of websites, honestly. To save yourself the headache, I recommend hiring an SEO professional to handle the backend SEO.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

One way many businesses load their website down with keywords is by using blogs or newsletters. These are great options for boosting your SEO. Blogs in particular offer a lot of benefits past SEO that build authority for your website. They’re also more effective than paid advertisements!

As I said, the keywords you choose for your site need to be pretty much everywhere you can fit them. But you want to be sure you don’t sound too repetitive-nothing bores readers more than having to read the same phrase over and over again. Picking good keywords and arranging them in a way that isn’t too overwhelming but still effective is more difficult than it may seem.

Hiring a knowledgeable copywriter and/or SEO manager is the best choice of action to make sure your site is set up in the best way possible. And you don’t have to go far to find one! I am confident and comfortable in SEO best practices, you can book a free consultation with me any time! I’ll be happy to help you get found by your ideal clients on Google.

How do I pick the best keywords?

Picking keywords can be a little stressful at times. As you go about choosing what to use, your head will buzz with questions. Find out what questions you should be asking in your search for keywords in next week’s blog. Subscribe down below to get notified when it posts!

Originally published at on January 29, 2021.



Meghan Hall

I am a freelance copywriter and small business owner that loves everything green.